Projekty a granty

Terapeutické monitorování teriflunomidu u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou
Id projektuSGS12/LF/2022
Hlavní řešitelMUDr. Zuzana Krška Kušníriková
Období1/2022 - 12/2022
PoskytovatelSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotaceTeriflunomide is one of the "disease modifying drugs" - the basis of pharmacotherapy of multiple sclerosis. It is also a metabolite of leflunomide, used in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, where the therapeutic monitoring of teriflunomide has been demonstrated. This project will focus on the analysis of teriflunomide serum concentrations in correlation with the clinical condition of patients with multiple sclerosis. Serum concentrations of teriflunomide will be determined by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. The clinical condition of patients will be evaluated by EDSS scale, the number of relapses, MRI findings and the side effects of medication. Subsequently, the effect of the measured concentrations on disease activity and side effects will be evaluated. The main goal of the project will be that therapeutic monitoring of teriflunomide may help to optimize the therapy of multiple sclerosis in the efficacy of treatment and of course the treatment side effects.