Loan Department

Opening hours
Monday - Thursday08.00 - 18.00
Friday08.00 - 16.00

The loan department offers take-home loans from the library's stocks. You can order the document you need in advance on-line. You can also place a reservation for items that are currently out on loan. The loan department is located on the ground floor of the main library building (Bráfova Street no. 3, in Ostrava city centre).

Loan Department
Loan Department
Loan Department

Quick guide

How to register

Before you start using library services, you have to be registered at the Loan Department or at any study room in the University. You will be asked for your passport or identity card for verification of your personal data (and your residence permit if you come from a non-EU country), plus your ISIC or OU student ID card. Please take all of these documents for registration.

How to find the literature you need?

Use the library's on-line catalogue. When you find a specific document, check its location by clicking on "REQUEST" and then "Copies". Our collections are deposited in various locations (e.g. at the Loan Department, at study rooms or at individual departments of the University's faculties). To order documents, use the on-line catalogue – click on "REQUEST" and then the "Order" button. We will prepare your orders for collection within several hours and they will be held for you at the Loan Department for the next seven working days. The loan period for textbooks is three months, and one month in the case of other printed documents.

How do you borrow the literature you need?

The library's stocks are located in three storerooms spread over three floors. Every book has its own ‘signature' number (beginning with the letter A, B, C, M, S, U or UC) and an acquisition number or inventory number. To search for and order books via the on-line catalogue, click on "REQUEST" and then the "Order" button. To borrow a book, sign the order form and hand it over to the librarian. She will enter the book into the electronic database of borrowed books.

How to check or renew loans?

You need to log into the on-line catalogue. If you're a student or employee of the University of Ostrava, use the same login and password as you use for the University e-mail or Portal.

Zveřejněno / aktualizováno: 24. 09. 2020